Blue Matrix Energetics Star Spin Technique


This technique is taught in Blue Matrix Event I.  It involves focusing energetically to detach from the past and to create a new calibration of mind in the present.  The number one obstacle in manifesting the new health state understands the soul’s miscalibration that has not allowed for the presence of a correct light coordinate that is in no space/time other than the healed state.  Please see the handout the Human Energy Field and the Seven Energy Centers for a review if necessary.    
Many people in our society unconsciously live each day of their lives through the needs of physical activities, the need for repeated emotional experiences and the responsibilities that may accumulate in life tethered to linear time that can propel one into an unconscious routine or worse if too many challenges are taken on adrenal burnout and depression.  Emotions make us feel ‘alive’ however some of those are able to toxify and run the biochemistry of the body incorrectly. 
When one forgets and falls asleep, the reminder that ‘there must be more’ is experienced by the presence of emptiness somewhere deep within each person that is never fully satisfied through external experiences only. The human desperately attempts to fill this mysterious ‘emptiness’ with more relationships…madly searching for ‘the one’…more shopping, eating, drugs, etc. and the emptiness just grows.  By the time depression sets in many are swallowed into this deep miserable hole quite entirely and often turn to ‘medicating’ themselves out of it.  This mysterious emptiness, which is quite simply a red alert from our divine observr, can be filled by becoming knowing as being.  It is from that realization that the most awesome, beautiful dreams are manifested into the reality of life.  This is achieved through the clean, laser like focus the human is capable of and the love of divine observer which is eternally expressed through the act of creation.
Quantum physics can give us the scientific knowledge of what the Divine self really is and what it is capable of; the mysterious Observer.  This exciting field of science truly transcends the limited consciousness of human existence.  Blue Matrix Energetics can assist the human in experiencing the observer as empowered within our beingness instead of crippled by ignorance.

In this moment you have the supreme power to completely close the door to your past and move all that energy to a new space/time calibration.  
Sit with back straight.
  • Begin rhythmic, yogic or snake breathing in and out through the nose audibly against the back of the throat (you will sound like a cobra).  Focus on the center of the forehead seeing an opalescent white light spinning up your spine. Then see a gold cuneiform star shining there, it is the holographic inner technology for navigating hyperspace. Continue this breathing deeply in the above manner until you feel tingling in your head.  If you place your hand above your cranium you will feel coolness on top and pressure in the centre of the brain forms. 
  • See you are sitting within a UV blue sphere spin as you pulse the eyes upwards to the third eye spinning it as fast as you can; place the left arm across your chest and the right arm around it so the inner bands of energy spin counter clockwise (looking out) like hoola hoops and the outer bands spin clockwise (on an axis like a globe around the body) simultaneously around the inner bandwidth .
  • Consciously spin these energy bands around you as you breathe deeply and rhythmically; shallow breath as you trance is incorrect and slows the process down  Feel the spin faster and faster till the field of light glows bright extending to your fingertips all around you.   Pulse the eyes quickly upwards in a rhythm as you continue to breathe slowly and deeply and rotate the energy band width fast.  You will feel an energy rush through the spine and in the brain as velocity increases. See the gold star again. bump it with your eyes pulsing to go faster once.
  • Your entire self the field around you is turning UV blue to heal you.   Exhale ultraviolet blue energy turning the spinning field UV blue. Continue to breathe deeply the blue energy in and exhale it into the counter rotating sphere.
  • Keep the UV blue sphere spinning turn it gold it will move the biological matrix into a higher vibration again of pure gold energy the body is increasing in vibration to moving into and disappearing.
  • Once the rhythmic pulsation and eventually a loud sound is heard like high tight strings whining sound is established a person may teleport.  Usually you will disappear and reappear in the same room during the Star Spin practice.

Effects on your brain and nervous system during :
The central nervous system CSN which is receptive to sensory input like touch is used in a different manner during the process.  The spinal cord, brain and  entire nervous system lights up white electricity that is why I have always seen the cerebral spinal fluid opalescent white glowing in sessions.  Electrical activity during focus to teleport, levitate and to hyper jump during instant healing or manifestation for example, is necessary.  It is the spirit that is hooked up to the brain and nervous system; creating the Holy Spirit experience of pure white light that is cool. Cerebral electrically charged fluid bathes the glands in the brain which feed from internal light.  Without it they shrink substantially; that is the secret most do not know about our glandular system that makes the difference between a super being created from internal light activation and one who has much less occurring through a lack of higher consciousness practice and has a completely different biochemistry that supports aging and often disease.  Teen years the glands begin to shrink as sexuality becomes a strong driving force replacing many natural higher perceptual abilities largely unsupported by parents and schools.  The difference being that teens do not engage sexually right away so they do not have access to higher sexual teachings and yet have the hormones of puberty raging from the pituitary turning them on to develop sexual differentiation therefore these beings have a lot to benefit from in learning Quantum Mind Tech tools.  Young males have daily sperm production and the drive to procreate which may contribute to mood swings and other challenges without the outlet of sexual activity in young years.  Star Spin may be used to support the body changes during puberty in both males and females for example the male may focus on sperm dissolving during Star Spin to help mind manage through puberty.  A higher consciousness around dating then would likely ensue where it is not the hormones talking to girls but a lovely consciousness.  In females shyness or early sexual activity may be reduced.    Practicing prevents the shrinkage of the upper glands that usually begins after puberty as the light of higher consciousness turns to peer acceptance and societal programs of structure and authority causing the beginning of aging discussed in scientific studies about the glandular system.
What is spiritually asleep?  The light has gone out literally from the nervous system and brain from a lack of practice of techniques that keep or turn it on.  From this light the DNA replicates in a manner that demands of it higher order of function increasing intelligence, health, well being, confidence and many more benefits that is soul patterned without the influence of parents.  You are your own ‘charge’ as a light charging being during Star Spin.  Perhaps that reduces the likely hood of people charging up credit cards in the mall in the future if they learn to charge up the light within which leaves one very satiated and biochemically recalibrated away from ‘hungry’ states.  This also applies to Quantum Slim™
Movement of light through the spine and brain is up through the reticular formation that holds the midbrain area and engages the frontal lobe then for a faster firing sequence hits the cerebellum already engaged in heart beat and breathing mechanism.  When the cortex area is engaged the great I deposits the observer into the little I that is using a very slow frequency common to a ‘lights off but somebody’s home’ existence; necessarily slow not to frighten the self.   This phenomenon is the observer actually running multiple streams of consciousness; your vital signs maintained and engaging slower areas of the brain than the one that maintains your vital signs.  Remember when the being is engaged in faster areas of the brain the entire brain and nervous system lights up to accommodate the holographic picture from the observers focus.  Electrically zapped glandular hormone sequences are the reason no drugs are ever desired by observers who use Quantum Mind Tech™ tools.  Ecstasy inducing hormones are secreted that remove the potential of fear from the observer of the electrical activity and hyper space experience.
Placement of holographic visuals in the frontal lobe during Star Spin is the Q Field engaged as large as you are able to hold as your space time unraveled and reconfigured.   I have spun and seen the room appear as if all of the atoms forming mater were like paint running and dissolving; it is actually occurring with the Star Spin engaged correctly.  Cycling through the visible light spectrum vibration color codes as instructed during all of the Star Spin instructs the Holy Spirit on what to enact.
Nodding off begins to dim the light of the nervous system and is the antithesis of correct Star Spin focus. If there is a lack of passion for Star Spin none of your Quantum Mind Tech tools will be empowered in the same manner as they are in an entity that has great passion for the practice and engages it with high energy and focus. In addition not enough light charge is there to turn on the upper glandular system powerfully if the observer nods off during the process. 
Mitochondria action is fed from the light within which converts it to a state where less sleep is required for the individual and holding a stronger light charge is built within the cells.  Mitochondrial action supported is one of the key objectives in BME Merkaba practice that brings a joyful, energized state to those practicing.
Increasing vibrational light calibration occurs with succeeding modules with alchemical transformation of the bloodstream (especially with hyper jump away from any disease holding holographic record that is changeable same with any tissue that holds disease; it breaks down over time or may hyper jumped away.
Tumors are like a network of growth that desires an observer to reach out and find other sick people to crate their victim collective.   This is an example of the light gone dim and going out and how demented states of consciousness are formed in people who would have a criticism against this type of work because the codex is not opened to comprehend it.  When education changes to support the natural light heartedness of children with teachers who are not dim adhering to a curriculum missing components of history, updated science energy training, more of economic and eco care training for the future the cycle of disease and outdated power structures on this plane will end.  Changes have already begun and every light turned on is a greater climb toward higher voltage concepts that change all sectors of society.  For those young people attending module I welcome and for those parents who have children at home offer your class notes for them to examine to see if they desire to practice BMEQMTtools with you.  Greatest success is likely from the success of the parents demonstrating profound change in their lives which creates respect in the child without nagging them to participate.
The UV blue induces the healing state then the gold energy turns on golden humanity of super natural power by its divine observer as it is a faster frequency for teleportation which is first dissolving the quantum state then reappearing. You may use this Star Spin with the information in the book Angel of Starlight to heal yourselves if you are of reasonable health and can handle higher frequency states.

Astronauts can use this BME Merkaba QMT tool for training for space craft travel they need when new technologies are built.  Andromedans fly folding space time the whole body disappearing in inter dimensional space craft.  Our first space ships will likely be basic anti gravity saucers the BME merkaba will assit in being comfortable and readjusting our position in space time with hyperspace jumps during fast flight for the body is trained to do so with this Merkaba.  For later interdimensional craft this tools is invaluable for disappearing with the ships and reappearing. 

For more advanced work and Star Spin II and III attend a BME event or corresopondence.  You will learn what you need for hyperspace ship flight X - Ray spinning in gold sphere in the Star Spin and Gamma Burst Spinning in light pink gamma wave color for folding space time you need. You must be unhooked from ships tools some VIPS have to do the Star Spin first.
Mid brain areas lit up in X ray and Gamma brain waves of focusing human. 


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